We’ve just added a new set of seabird activities!

Marine debris and plastics in the ocean are topics frequently visited during Seabird Camps, Bering Sea Days, and by visiting scientists, such as Veronica Padula, who study the impacts of debris (specifically plastics) on marine life. This is not an issue restricted to remote islands in the Bering Sea. This is a global problem.

Our Plastics in the Oceans activity set is designed to bring the issue of marine debris to any classroom, whether near an ocean or not. It consists of a lesson plan, short research summaries, a mini-research project, and an art project (remember Garbie the tufted puffin), with a follow-up discussion of potential solutions.

And Don’t forget the videos that accompany the jellyfish buffet reading!

Check out these new activities! The files include:

Huge thanks to Alexis Will (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) for pulling these activities together and sharing with us.