Science Fairs are just around the corner.

Here are some links to some great project ideas related to birds, seabirds, marine biology and conservation.

(1) How does a chick breathe inside its’ shell?

(2) M&M survival challenge!

(3) With a little bread as bait, can you make a bird migrate?

(4) Can you predict birds lifestyle based on its feet?

(5) The Oil Effect:  Removing Oil from Birds Feathers

(6) What seeds to birds prefer to eat? (can you do this with rosy finches?)

(7) Survivors: How does color protect insects from predators? (same applies to birds)

(8) How salty is the sea?

(9) Timing the tides

(10) How salty does the sea have to be for an egg to float?

(11) What are you blubbering about?  (marine mammal focused, but applies to seabirds)

(12) Ocean currents and weather

(13) Whirl-y-bird vs whale-y-bird

(14) The swimming secrets of duck feet

(15) Lets go fly a kite