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So far admin has created 303 blog entries.

Black-legged kittiwake video

There are two species of kittiwake, and both breed on the Pribilof Islands. Learn more about the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) with this short video put together during [...]

By |2015-09-23T16:23:32+00:00September 23, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps, Education|Comments Off on Black-legged kittiwake video

Crested Auklet video

We’re continuing to learn about the amazing seabirds that breed on the Pribilof Islands. After a great field trip to the cliffs, kids attending Seabird Camp split [...]

By |2015-09-21T15:28:47+00:00September 21, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps, Education|Comments Off on Crested Auklet video

Charismatic microfauna

Seabirds are charismatic megafauna—they are large animals that have popular appeal due to their cute or beautiful appearance. So what about all the little critters out there? [...]

By |2015-09-01T19:54:05+00:00September 1, 2015|Categories: At-sea research, Education|Comments Off on Charismatic microfauna

At Anchor

  Early Tuesday morning, we left our study area to head up to Pt. Barrow. Why? Because the marine forecast for our region was calling for 35 [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:45:13+00:00August 27, 2015|Categories: At-sea research, Education|Comments Off on At Anchor

The Wheelhouse Gang

We have been transiting from Prudhoe Bay to our first sample station for the past several days (yellow star in location map above shows current location), and were [...]

By |2015-08-21T15:51:18+00:00August 12, 2015|Categories: At-sea research, Education|Comments Off on The Wheelhouse Gang


The kids on the Commander Islands have just returned from their summer camp.  We're really excited to hear about the camp activities, it sounds like it was [...]

By |2015-11-04T20:51:50+00:00August 10, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Aglakh


What is the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON) project? The AMBON project is one of three pilot projects whose goal is to help establish a national [...]

By |2015-08-10T15:33:03+00:00August 10, 2015|Categories: At-sea research, Education|Comments Off on Kick-off

Checking nest-boxes

Seabird activities continue on St. George.  Abram gave a talk about the red-legged kittiwake project, that included using Google Earth to check out the small hand-full of [...]

By |2015-08-03T19:15:36+00:00August 3, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Checking nest-boxes

Foggy Start

Seabird Camp on St. George had an unplanned start.  The plane carrying Ann and Peter circled the island a few times, but it was too foggy to [...]

By |2015-08-03T19:16:09+00:00August 3, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Foggy Start

Seabird Portraits

Kids participating in the recent Seabird Camp on St. Paul Island have created some beautiful portraits of the local seabirds to share with the students on the [...]

By |2015-07-13T07:13:17+00:00July 13, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Seabird Portraits


The wrap-up for this year's camp started with finding a place for all of our big animal masks.  We can thank Mr. Mac at the St. Paul [...]

By |2015-07-01T23:16:47+00:00July 1, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Wrap-Up

The Grand Finale!

The day of the plays!  Even with the extensive prep work we had done, everything came down to the wire Saturday.  Masks, props and the background mural [...]

By |2015-06-30T22:47:31+00:00June 30, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on The Grand Finale!


The last day of this year’s seabird camp!  Our plays and goodbyes will happen tomorrow at 7:30 at the Rec Hall. We started the day by hearing [...]

By |2015-06-28T20:47:29+00:00June 28, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on LAST DAY OF CAMP

Seabird Camp Day Four

We started another big day at Seabird Camp with a presentation on “Seabird Capture: How and Why. “ Some of the students, including Chauncey and Ethan, were [...]

By |2015-06-27T19:13:40+00:00June 27, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Seabird Camp Day Four

Seabird Camp Day Three

Day three of Seabird Camp started in the microscopic world as we looked at slides of zooplankton. Some kids had studied plankton the night before and found [...]

By |2015-06-25T23:24:43+00:00June 25, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Seabird Camp Day Three

Seabird Camp Day Two

Thirty three kids packed the science room as Kendra started the day by talking about the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and what it does on the [...]

By |2015-06-25T01:20:00+00:00June 25, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Seabird Camp Day Two

Seabird Camp Day One

Seabird camp on St. Paul started with a bang! Teams of campers raced to collect all of the things that seabirds need to raise a chick. The [...]

By |2015-06-24T19:28:52+00:00June 24, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Seabird Camp Day One

Contaminant Research

Veronica Padula and Misty Libby from the University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA) are on St. Paul this summer studying contaminants in birds. Chauncey (one of our Seabird [...]

By |2015-06-23T00:28:49+00:00June 23, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on Contaminant Research

Momentum is building

Count Down:  Only two days until the start of Seabird Camp! Preparations have been rolling along here on St. Paul. We continued to build paper mache masks [...]

By |2015-06-20T20:47:20+00:00June 20, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps, Education|Comments Off on Momentum is building


St. Paul Seabird Camp starts next week, and students and leaders are busy preparing.  The two interns have started work, and Ram and students have been busy [...]

By |2015-06-17T22:27:05+00:00June 17, 2015|Categories: 2015 Seabird Camps|Comments Off on CAMP PREPARATION BEGINS

Seabirds at sea

Catherine looking for seabirds near the ice, photo by Alex Andrews   Why study seabirds at sea? Catherine Pham is a student at Hawai’i Pacific University. She [...]

By |2015-04-28T16:02:02+00:00April 28, 2015|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Seabirds at sea

Invasive Species

Least Auklet and Rat (above) © Ian Jones   What is an invasive species? An introduced species, also called an alien or exotic species, is any species [...]

By |2015-04-19T21:45:44+00:00April 19, 2015|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Invasive Species

Seabird Migration

We hear that Miss. Kushin’s class is learning about migration this week: butterflies; mammals, birds… Don’t forget about Seabirds! Seabirds return to land to build nests, lay [...]

By |2015-03-10T05:28:14+00:00March 10, 2015|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Seabird Migration

Cold Feet?

Miron, a student on St. Paul Island, asks, “Why don’t kittiwakes get frostbite on their feet if their legs and feet are in the cold water all [...]

By |2015-03-02T22:58:29+00:00March 2, 2015|Categories: Education, Kittiwake Behavior|Comments Off on Cold Feet?

Meet the Team

Instead of working independently and alone, it is more and more common for a group of scientists to work together to figure out answers to a question [...]

By |2015-01-21T16:33:02+00:00January 21, 2015|Categories: Education, Kittiwake Behavior|Comments Off on Meet the Team

Red-legged Kittiwake Behavior

The Pribilof Islands are an important site for many seabird species, including 70% of the world’s red-legged kittiwake population. The Refuge’s annual seabird monitoring program provides essential information [...]

By |2014-11-17T16:28:48+00:00November 17, 2014|Categories: Education, Kittiwake Behavior|Comments Off on Red-legged Kittiwake Behavior

Bering Sea Days 2014

Veronica Padula (University of Alaska, Anchorage) recently traveled to St. Paul to teach students about seabirds and marine pollution during Bering Sea Days (above photo shows students learning [...]

By |2014-11-11T23:28:03+00:00November 11, 2014|Categories: Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bering Sea Days 2014

Yellow-billed Loons

The Colville River Teen Video Crew (left to right): Sam Bernitz (Anchorage), Sam Tocktoo (Shishmaref), and Andrew Kennedy (Fairbanks). The trio wrapped up filming yellow-billed loons last week [...]

By |2014-10-07T14:48:38+00:00October 7, 2014|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Yellow-billed Loons

How many birds?

It’s a POPULATION COUNT YEAR on the Pribilof Islands.   What is a “Population Count Year”? The Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (AMNWR) counts the number of seabirds [...]

By |2014-06-11T15:07:34+00:00June 11, 2014|Categories: Education|Comments Off on How many birds?

Marine Debris

“Ophelia” octopus created out of marine debris by Kodiak High School students. One of the main focuses for the 2014 summer Seabird Camp on St. Paul Island is [...]

By |2014-07-06T05:48:08+00:00June 9, 2014|Categories: Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Marine Debris

Don’t Throw it!

“Stow it-don’t throw it” is a youth debris and ocean conservation program dedicated to protect marine environments. As part of this cool project, youth make recycling bins [...]

By |2014-07-06T05:48:14+00:00June 9, 2014|Categories: Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t Throw it!

Pribilof Debris

Is there marine debris on the Pribilof Islands? [separator type='transparent' color='' thickness='1' up='' down=''] YES! The main risks of marine debris on the Pribilof Islands are the [...]

By |2014-07-06T05:48:22+00:00June 9, 2014|Categories: Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pribilof Debris


We took blood samples from least auklets caught during Seabird Summer Camp last year. These blood samples were spun (using a centrifuge) to separate the plasma from [...]

By |2014-05-21T00:06:22+00:00May 21, 2014|Categories: Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on FOOD STRESS
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