Natalia Fomina recently hosted a Bird Day at the Aleutian Museum in Nikolskoye, the Commander Islands, Russia.

Thank you for sharing the description and beautiful photos of this event, Natalia. ******************************************

Birds – visitors of the Commander Islands

The exhibition “Birds – Visitors of the Commander Islands” was held in the museum between April 1 – 30. On the last day of the exhibition, the excursion and lesson was conducted for primary school students. The second part of the lesson was an ornithological quiz.

Natalya Sergeevna Fomina,  educator of the museum, told students about bird species that fall accidentally to the Commander Islands during cyclones, magnetic storms. The students heard interesting stories about the Black-crowned night heron, great spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, the cuckoo, barn swallow, golden eagle, Steller’s sea eagle called “Fedka”, thievish magpie and others.

Then the children were asked to color the bird-coloring books looking at photographs on the exhibition. The event ended with an ornithological quiz. 

Two teams of student took turns answering questions about birds, photographs of which

were presented at the exhibition. The winners and participants received sweet prizes.

In total, 27 students and preschoolers participated in the event.

Methodist of the Aleutian Museum N.S. Fomina