Art-camp on St. George Island continues…

We started the day by making Kittiwake Mobiles. Bianca was so excited that she wanted to make two: One for her and one for her cat! Designs ranged from realistic to fantastical. An elder, Marge, joined us and made a mobile of her own. The mobiles were delicately balanced and had a nice movement to them, reminiscent of the kittwakes that hang in the air off High Bluffs when the wind is just right.

IMG_4303 We took a break from arts and crafts for a few games of “Fox and Kittiwakes.” The kids definitely enjoyed stretching their legs and running around a bit.

We “wrapped up” the session by applying paper mache to our biadarka frames.



The rest of the afternoon and evening featured a photography expedition to High Bluffs with William, a teenager who is very interested in learning more about picture taking. He seemed to really enjoy using my massive 500mm lens and approved of the macho look of hand-holding it. A tripod was not needed on this bright and windy evening. We got great shots of puffins, kittiwakes, foxes and the highlight for me was a brood of fluffy Winter Wrens with their bright yellow gapes popping out from over-wide beaks. The hike back seemed to take forever with a very strong headwind trying to push us back up to High Bluffs.

