We began the final day of Art Camp making seabird models for our Seabird Colony Diorama. We placed each seabird on the cliffs in the appropriate nesting niche. In the end, we had a fun-looking display that replicates a nesting colony quite well.
“The Seabird Fun Game” was a hit. The educational game is all about seabirds and especially Bering Sea seabirds. The category “Do you know Guano?” proved especially popular with the students.
I was concerned that the kids would get tired of checking the Grub Hub nest cavities, but that wasn’t the case at all. They wanted to check again and again. In the end we determined 1) laying success 2) hatching success 3) fledging success 4) reproductive success 5) overall nesting success. We had a high nesting success at 66%.
We ended Art and Seabird Camp with a field trip to Zapadni Beach. Emma was very excited to see puffins for the first time and we were able to build a proper campfire suitable for roasting s’mores.