For the final days of St. George Art Camp we finished up many ongoing projects and started a few new ones as well.Our murre egg mosaics all came together as one integrated art piece. A school of pollack work the water column while a halibut lays in wait on the sea floor. All this from bits of egg shell!


We learned about Gyotaku, the ancient art of fish printing and proceeded to print a variety of fishes and plants. Purple, red and orange were the popular colors for fish.

A good way to commemorate any event is with a souvenir t-shirt, and Art Camp is no exception. We had a wide variety of stencils available to help with the process of making our own custom designs. Jillian’s jellyfish design stood out as both elaborate and original.  

We are all very happy with our “Marine Connections” game board. All the work on those tiny figures paid off! It not only looks fun, Marine Connections is a very good game. One of the cool things is that every time we play we can have the figures interacting with each other differently. For example, sometimes the puffins are billing each other, sometimes they are in the ocean foraging. Sometimes they are just loafing around. It lets us explore and talk about animal behavior while we play.

This wasn’t the only game we played to finish up Art Camp. We used the big paper mache murre eggs we have been working on all week to run a murre relay race. Pairs took turns: One bird incubated the egg while the mate went out to catch fish and squid. The exchange on the ledge is the hard part! That big egg needs to go from feet to feet without touching the ground. The first team to complete 4 foraging trips and egg exchanges wins.

As an annual Friday tradition, we took a trip out to Zapadni Beach to make a campfire play on the beach. This year, rain cut the evening short.

We finished up this year’s mural: “Across the Bering Sea.” Full of myth and magic, this mural shows above and below the surface and depicts the connections and oneness of the island people to the natural surroundings.