Stormy wintery day on St. George Island.  Blowing snow and a cold strong wind made it hard to even walk outside.  It was a good day to be cozy indoors, and it was a great day to enjoy the finished mural from last summer’s Art Camp—the colors are so vibrant and cheerful.  Emma worked on art for the Migratory Bird Calendar.  She decided on tufted puffins because they make her laugh, especially when they fly!  We listened to a recording of a tufted puffin growling and decided it sounded like a distant chainsaw!  Jillian and Chipper started to sketch out their designs.  Chipper chose red legged kittiwakes and described their call as “rubber squeaking on a basketball court”.  Jillian loves swans, and decided to focus on Trumpeter swans.  We’re hoping the wind dies down tomorrow…