Last morning of packing, goodbyes, and starting to work on a school bulletin board that celebrates Spring.  The board has a theme of red-legged kittiwakes sitting on Easter Eggs, and Jillian painted the cliff and sunset today.  Lots of great color, and I can’t wait to see the finished board.

Emma and I had just looked at some maps that show the winter movements of Red Legged Kittiwakes that breed on St George Island, and they showed the birds arriving back to the Island in April!  Just around the corner!  I think we are all ready for the birds and Spring to truly arrive.

I made it over to St. Paul in the afternoon, and am looking forward to working on the Migratory Bird Calendar Competition art and poetry with the kids here next week.

Thank you to everyone on St. George for the wonderful week, and for making me feel welcome.  Thank you to APICDA and the National Parks Service Shared Beringia Heritage Program for funding this visit, Darlene and Rodney both for help before my trip and for the delicious halibut, and Carol for all her support at school.