Monday was a scramble to get everything together for the evening Seabird Camp Open House and Theater Productions. Some of the paint was still slightly wet as kids, parents, island residents, tourists and researchers packed the house. There was only standing room available as all of the seating was taken.

The first play was called “Toasted Puffins and Tufted Muffins,” a silly title that didn’t have much to do with the play. But the kids thought it was very funny. The play, narrated in rhymed couplets, told the story of a puffin family raising a chick. Key moments included Chloe laying an egg, the young chick emerging from a burrow, and a gull attacking our young puffling as she leaves the nest.

As the curtains opened for our second feature of the evening, the audience saw four sets of kid-sized murres on a cliff ledge and one gigantic murre with a gigantic egg. The narration revealed the stages of each pair in their nesting cycles. We then heard about the fate of each egg and things weren’t looking good until the giant murre egg started to wobble. The giant murre got excited and moved up and down and looked at his giant egg. The play concluded with a cute murre chick breaking out of the big egg and bowing to the adoring crowd.

The crowd dispersed slowly as some lingered to watch the slideshow of the top pictures from Seabird Camp and Seabird Adventure Survival Camp.